In early 2023, we hosted the first of our collaborative Immigration and Family Law breakfasts. We welcomed over 30 family lawyers to a hybrid breakfast event where we introduced key immigration law concepts relevant to family lawyers. The event worked as a strong foundation for knowledge building, and an excellent networking opportunity.
We will be hosting our second breakfast event on the 2nd October, this time diving a little deeper into how we can collaborate as family and immigration lawyers, with a particular focus via case studies on matrimonial and relationship breakdown, including strategic considerations as to jurisdiction and financial settlements, and also on the position of children in immigration law and nationality law. This latter will include discussion of adoption and surrogacy.
9.00am – registration opens and breakfast is served
9.30am – the conversation starts
10.30am – we will wrap up, with the opportunity for coffee post event
If you are a family lawyer who would like to join this session, please RSVP here, and if you have any questions about the event, do get in touch.