Easing lockdown and planning for a return to the workplace: key considerations for employers

We are all now having to grapple with the easing of lockdown restrictions. For some UK employers this means turning …
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Brexit and your trade marks – what now?

Now that we are in the ‘transitional period’ many uncertainties about the post-Brexit future remain. The good news is that …
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Coronavirus and visiting the UK

Despite having the highest death rate in Europe from coronavirus, the UK is one of the few countries that has not to …
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Bates Wells advised SafetyNet Technologies Limited on its recent seed investment round

Bates Wells’ corporate team advised SafetyNet Technologies Limited (“SNT”) on its seed investment round securing its first debt and equity …
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Charity Governance and Solvency: A Coronavirus Guide

We have created a quick guide for charity trustees who are concerned about solvency and wondering how to approach it …
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National press covers Chetal Patel’s comments on ‘Right to Rent’ checks

Chetal Patel from our Immigration team has commented on the new Home Office push on “right to rent” checks. Comments …
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Right to Rent – what has changed?

New legislation, in force since 2 November 2020, has introduced new measures to modernise the ‘Right to Rent’ checks required …
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One way to make the UK’s pretensions for global climate leadership a reality

David Hunter explains why he feels the publication of the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill could mark a turning point …
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What does Net Zero mean for Bates Wells?

Angela Monaghan, our Senior Operations and General Manager, explains the practical steps we’re taking to mitigate our carbon footprint. I …
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Law Society Gazette: Mindy Jhittay on how the ‘New normal’ shines light on need for change

Mindy Jhittay, senior associate in our dispute resolution team, has recently written an article for the Law Society Gazette. In …
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Bates Wells part of group calling on Government to prioritise green recovery as PM prepares to lead the UK into a new normal

Bates Wells is one of 60 other businesses, environmental organisations and youth leaders urging the government to put nature and …
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Case update from Bates Wells’ Real Estate team

Megan Vick reports on the latest case law developments.
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