In 2019, we formally recognised the Climate Emergency and Biodiversity Crisis and since then we have been making strides to address both our own environmental impact and by using our legal expertise to support clients that are tackling the crisis.
Our Sustainability and Responsibility Pledge, launched in 2023, dictates that we recognise the environmental impact of our activities and work, and ensures that we seek out ways to use the law which serves to minimise ecological harm and climate heating.
Our work on Butler-Sloss v Charity Commission means that charity trustees who want to prioritise sustainability over financial returns, can now be allowed to move their reserves away from investments in fossil fuels and sends a positive message to those wanting to have an investment portfolio that addresses climate change.
We influence legislation and businesses by supporting important initiatives. We supported the Better Business Act campaign by preparing a draft of the proposed legislation that will align the interests of shareholders with those of the environment. We also work with the Chancery Lane Project to help businesses incorporate climate and net zero aligned clauses into contractual drafting.
Whilst the Climate Emergency and Biodiversity Crisis will not be solved single-handedly, nor overnight, we are determined to find ways in which we can make a real difference through our work and our clients.