Coronavirus: New approaches to procurement and contracting from the Cabinet Office

The government has issued two Procurement Policy Notes in quick succession as part of their response to the ramifications of …
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COVID-19 and EU State Aid: The Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme

In this short article we look at the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme, and how this has been approved under …
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Directors’ duties for B Corporations: A Coronavirus Guide

During the coronavirus crisis, the directors of certified B Corporation (“B Corp”) companies will want to be sure they are …
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First GDPR fine from the ICO

So you might have missed it in the run up to Christmas but, on 20th December 2019, the ICO issued …
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Economic migration and salary thresholds: could an Australian-style points based system work in the UK?

The Migration Advisory Committee (“MAC”) has published its review of salary thresholds for economic migration and how an “Australian-style” Points …
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Trust Registration Service: update for charities

In June 2019 we responded to HM Treasury’s consultation on the transposition of the Fifth Money Laundering Directive and, in …
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ICO publishes new draft Code on Direct Marketing

The ICO has published a draft Code of Practice on Direct Marketing. The Code is out for consultation and will …
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Data Privacy, International Data Transfers and Brexit: what next in 2020?

Throughout 2019 we did our best to keep up with Brexit (Would it happen? When would it happen? What form …
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The Times: Lindsay Draffan comments on the future of EU state aid rules post-Brexit

In the aftermath of the UK government’s decision to save stricken airline Flybe, Lindsay Draffan in our Corporate & Commercial …
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When to disapply subordinate legislation: Melanie Carter & Alistair Williams write for Law Society Gazette

In a blog for the Law Society Gazette, Melanie Carter and Alistair Williams examine the case of RR v Secretary …
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Fundraising Regulator publishes new guidance on fundraising content in annual reports

The Fundraising Regulator has published new guidance on fundraising content in charity annual reports after its review finds that only …
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VAT zero rating for digital newspapers

News Corp UK & Ireland Limited v. HMRC Upper Tier Tribunal decision: 24th December 2019 The question was whether digital …
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