Setting up a charity/ foundation: advice for B Corps

As a B Corp, we understand that you want to make a positive impact on the world. Part of your strategy may be to make regular charitable donations – and that’s certainly a key part of the B Impact Assessment.

We can talk you through the benefits of matched giving programmes and how you might screen your charitable contributions going forward.

How we help

Options include setting up an employee payroll giving scheme with matched giving, or setting up a formal annual donations commitment which can either be paid into a separate corporate charitable foundation for your company, or alternatively into one or more charities selected on an ad hoc basis.

We also have relationships with a number of with organisations that can help you to screen and review the social and/or environmental impact of your company’s donations to ensure that your donations are as impactful as possible.

If you’d like to set up your own charitable foundation to carry out charitable work funded by your company’s donations, you can rely on our expertise – we’ve set up some of the biggest corporate foundations in the UK, and advise many more.

A foundation is a common way for established or larger corporates to undertake charitable work in an efficient manner. We’ve also helped B Corps to set up various community interest companies (CIC). Reach out to our team to find out more.

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