We are pleased to share our Gender Pay Report 2020, which provides an analysis of our gender pay data and sets out our key projects to further reduce the gender pay gap.
Our values are pivotal to us, they shape our decisions and the way we live and work. We focus on making a positive impact on our people and society as much as we focus on being a successful law firm. We believe in creating a workplace that is fair, inclusive and allows our people to reach their full potential.
The Gender Pay Report provides us with the opportunity to be transparent about our commitment to making positive change.
What does the report include?
In line with government requirements, the report sets out the following:
- Our employee pay gap;
- Employee pay quartiles;
- Partner profit gap;
- Our combined pay and profit gap;
- Mean employee pay gap %;
- Combined partner profit and pay gap %; and
- What we have done to address our pay gap and what we’re going to do over the next year.
As a limited liability partnership, our members (the partners) are not employees and cannot be included in our statutory gender pay gap statistics. However, for transparency we have detailed both our partner profit gender gap and the gender earnings gap for the firm as a whole.
You can read the report by clicking the link below.
Martin Bunch, Managing Partner, Bates Wells said:
Despite the challenging working conditions, the past twelve months have seen us start to make significant headway in our strategy to address our gender pay gap, and we can see from our latest gender pay figures that our gap is gradually being closed.
I’m proud to be a part of a firm where, in 2020, 67% of our promotions to both Associate and Senior Associate were in favour of women and our Senior Management Team is 100% female. This really is a significant step forward for us and one that we hope to see reflected across the wider sector. We hope that our work in partnership with The Law Society on the Practical Toolkit for Women in Law – which provides an important insight into the experiences of women in the law and focuses on what needs to be done to achieve greater equality of opportunity and of representation – will become a key element in helping this to happen.
We know that there is more to do and have set ourselves a further four core projects for the next twelve months. We are committed to making these new ideas a reality.
If you have any questions concerning the data we have published, please contact Heloïse Paull, Business Development & Marketing Director, on +44 (0)20 7551 7678 or [email protected]