Our Equity Pay Report
As a B Corp, transparency is fundamental and our Equity Pay Report is our opportunity to communicate our progress and review the impact of our actions so far. By holding ourselves accountable through this reporting, we can really focus on driving positive change.
We’re pleased to report that we have seen a decrease in both our mean (-11.1%) and median (-0.8%) pay gaps, and both are now in favour of women.
Our overall employee mean ethnicity pay gap increased by 7.3% to 10.9% due to an underrepresentation of ethnic minority staff in our more senior roles. However, the median remains in favour of our ethnic minority colleagues and over the last three years has dropped by 20.6%.
For 2024, we have committed to achieving three core projects – EDI objectives for all employees, role modelling intersectionality and diversity targets.
You can read the report in full below.
As a limited liability partnership, our members (the partners) are not employees and cannot be included in our statutory gender pay gap or ethnicity statistics. However, for transparency we have detailed our partner remuneration gaps for both gender and ethnicity.