Election ’24: Charities and campaigning ahead of a general election

In spite of myths to the contrary, the vast majority of charities can campaign and engage in policy advocacy in …
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Election ’24: How election law might affect your organisation

For many organisations, general elections are a chance to push forward their agenda and build relationships with potential future MPs, …
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Charities update: Horizons

Our latest update for charities and social enterprises provides practical legal insights into the opportunities and challenges for charities in …
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Safeguarding vulnerable service users and staff online | Our top tips for an effective Digital Safety Policy

In this article, we look at some of the ways organisations can protect themselves and others, including through having a …
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Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse publishes its final report | What does this mean for public bodies, charities and other organisations?

The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (“the Inquiry”)’s final statutory report  sets out the Inquiry’s recommendations following a seven-year investigation …
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Watch again | Addressing the cost of living crisis: What can charities do?

During the seminar we focused on how charities can adapt and overcome the challenges of the cost of living crisis. …
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Strategic litigation – we want to help you tackle the climate emergency and biodiversity crisis

Our litigation and public & regulatory teams are focused on helping clients on their journey to create a widespread positive …
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Drawing on lived experience: four questions for social enterprises

Hiring or consulting people with direct experience of the issues an organisation tackles is often seen as good equity, diversity …
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What ESG lessons can businesses learn from impact investing firms?

Nirav Patel, our new Corporate Partner, shares some thoughts on how businesses can learn Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) best …
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Volunteers – Top tips for creating a volunteer agreement  

Volunteers are a crucial resource for charities, and voluntary organisations often heavily rely on their volunteers to provide the assistance …
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Blog: Data Protection and Digital Information Bill introduced in Parliament

Our head of Data Privacy, Eleonor Duhs, considers the implication of a new Bill being introduced at this time, flouting …
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Charities update: focus on governance

Read our charities update focusing on governance. The piece provides practical steps to achieving best practice in legal and structural …
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