Video: Luke Fletcher explains the Better Business Act, for Business Reporter

How could the Better Business Act drive action to make business more sustainable? Luke Fletcher elaborates in this new video …
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Conscious consumerism may help save the planet: Bates Wells writes for Business Reporter

As modern consumers shift their buying habits and the market increasingly demands businesses behave responsibly, what’s stopping companies from becoming …
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Managing in a crisis: a guide for charities

We’ve sought to set out the practical steps charities can take – and points to consider – if a crisis …
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What impact will Companies House reforms have on charities and CIOs?

As BEIS proposes changes to the powers of Companies House, and company filing requirements, Bates Wells asks: are the needs …
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Top five legal tips for rebranding

Rebranding is a big step for any organisation. We can help you to plot your course and avoid legal pitfalls. …
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Statutory demands and winding-up petitions are back – but with restrictions…

We summarise the changes and what they could mean for your business. The prohibition on the use of a statutory …
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Samaritans’ branch restructure

We took on a large project with Samaritans. It had around 200 branches which were all unincorporated separate charities. The …
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Governance review for The Jewish Museum

The Jewish Museum has an income of around £2m a year and the trustees wanted a health check to make …
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Does monitoring remote workers online bring out the best in them?

Electronic monitoring can carry legal risk. Last week, a BBC article on electronic monitoring of home workers by companies spotlighted …
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Contractual obligations and Covid-19

Despite England’s so-called ‘freedom day’ and a rosier picture in the country in general, Covid-19 continues to affect businesses in …
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Queen Street Group Annual Report for 2019/20

The Queen Street Group has recently published its annual report for 2019/20 on multi-academy trusts, sponsored by Bates Wells. The …
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Social Enterprise and the Climate Emergency

Bates Wells and SEUK are partnering to host a series of ‘digital breakfast’ roundtable events aimed at leaders of social …
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