Hybrid working continues to generate a substantial increase in flexible working requests. The increasing shift to flexible models of work have gained further momentum due to very recent changes in the law.

The right to flexible working is one that has evolved over time. Enshrined in the Employment Rights Act 1996, employees can make a written request specifying the change or changes that they are seeking to their working arrangements. The new law (and accompanying guidance) strengthens existing rights and is likely to increase the volume of flexible working requests.  

Importantly, in addition to the procedural requirements under the Employment Rights Act, there is a very significant risk of discrimination claims where flexible working requests are mishandled.

This webinar will consider the practical implications of flexible working requests in the context of a hybrid workforce. The session will help you ensure that requests are appropriately understood and considered.

This interactive session will cover the following:

  • The impact of hybrid working
  • The implications of the recent changes to the law
  • The key lessons arising from recent decisions
  • The statutory framework that employees must follow when making flexible working requests, and which employers must abide by when responding
  • High-risk situations and in particular cases which involve potential indirect discrimination
  • The information and knowhow you need to carefully navigate these types of requests
  • Expectations around work life balance

You can register here, and if you know someone who could benefit from this session, please feel free to forward this invitation on.