I am an Associate in the Dispute Resolution & Litigation team at Bates Wells. I advise both for-profit and not-for-profit clients on a range of contentious matters, including contract disputes, fraud and asset recovery, governance disputes, probate disputes, IP disputes and public law issues. As well as advisory work, I have extensive litigation experience.
- I acted for the Lansdowne Club in its successful defence of a claim brought by a member and director who had breached COVID rules on club premises Yi Shuan Mok claimed, amongst other things, that she had been bullied out of the club and was the victim of a campaign founded in bias. In reality, she was expelled due to her persistent breaches of COVID rules in force at the time. The judge found that the club had acted proportionately in a matter of “high seriousness” and that Ms Mok had broken the law on two separate occasions including knowingly and intentionally on one. The judgment contains a thorough analysis of the rules of natural justice and how social clubs are entitled to operate ([2024] EWHC 2804 (KB)).
- I advised a charity in negotiations to settle a claim for professional negligence against their previous solicitors.
- I advised a charity in relation to a claim brought by a donor for unjust enrichment and mistake.
- I advised a company based outside the UK on the merits of a six-figure breach of contract claim brought in the UK and settlement of the claim.
- I advised a global charity in respect of a shareholder dispute.
- I advised a charity in taking steps to protect its logo after another organisation started using a similar font, colour and layout.
- I advised a charity in sending a cease and desist letter to a company that was using in name and trademark fraudulently.
- I have also advised a number of charities and commercial organisations on terminating contracts with their respective suppliers and partners and options moving forward.
- I have advised individuals in respect of serving statutory demands on a debtor company.
- I acted for a client in relation to responding to various pre-action letters received following a data security incident.
- I have advised a charity on responding to a letter of claim from an individual asserting breach/invasion of privacy; breach of the Data Protection Act 2018; misuse of private information and negligence.
- I assisted in acting for a historian in contested freedom of information challenges to the Cabinet Office and a University in relation to refusal to provide access to an archive containing important historical information.
- I advised a charity on the enforcement and relevant notice requirements of an indemnity given by a previous provider of outsourced services.
- I acted for an awarding organisation in its claim for copyright infringement in respect of its qualifications.
- I advised a charity in relation to the impact of Covid-19 on its large fundraising event and its options under a contract with a supplier.
- I advised a tourist website on their proposed wording accompanying affiliate links on their website and app.