When it comes to decision-making responsibilities in charities, the relationship between the board and the CEO can throw up some complex questions.
With charity governance in the spotlight following the Kids Company case, you may be looking for peace of mind about the roles of the CEO and your board. Do you have clarity over the extent of the CEO’s delegated authority? Are board level decisions only made by the trustees and is this explicitly recorded?
Does the board supervise the CEO appropriately? How would others perceive the role of the CEO? This health check is designed for charitable companies and CIOs as a high level assessment of your current arrangements and whether the distinct roles of the board and the CEO are clear.
How we can help
We will review your:
- Governing document to ensure the role of the board and its delegated powers are clear
- Scheme of delegation
- Role specification for trustees
- Board minutes for the last financial year – to assess whether it is clear who is involved in decision-making and how those decisions are recorded
- One key organisational policy: to look at role descriptions and accountability
- The Board’s supervision arrangements for the CEO
- The CEO’s employment contact.
And provide a road map towards best practice and governance effectiveness.
To discuss your requirements please contact us.