On 22 October 2020, the Home Office published a lengthy Statement of Changes setting out the ‘Future Points-Based Immigration System’. We examine the key changes to the Skilled Worker route.

Intended as a roadmap for post-Brexit immigration, some changes are coming into effect early, at 09:00 on 01 December 2020. …
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Constitutional and Human Rights reforms remain on the agenda

The Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee has recently launched a survey to gauge people’s views on what topics and …
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Covid-19 immigration concessions for family and private life applications

The Home Office recently updated its Covid-19 related concessions for those applying to enter or remain in the UK on …
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FAQs on the UK Government’s coronavirus quarantine rules

Since 8 June 2020, many people arriving in the UK need to provide their contact details and self-isolate for the …
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Landmark decision of the Supreme Court that charities can justify a restriction to their beneficiary class under the Equality Act

Update On 16 October 2020, the Supreme Court ruled that in certain circumstances, charities are able to restrict their beneficiary …
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Bates Wells hosts Danny Kruger MP to discuss Levelling Up Our Communities report recommendations

Danny Kruger MP joined Bates Wells partner Luke Fletcher to discuss his recent report, Levelling up our communities: proposals for …
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New visa application system – The Student Route

From 9am on 5 October, applications via the old Tier 4 (General) and Tier 4 (Child) visas were closed to …
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No Autumn Budget – What impact will this have on Capital Gains Tax?

No autumn Budget – a knock-on effect from the Coronavirus pandemic Typically, the Government would reflect on the state of …
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The people building back better: the workforce in a purpose-driven economy

In the wake of the pandemic, many are questioning our social contract with business, in part due to it having …
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Serious incident reports and global events

The Charity Commission requires trustees to report all serious incidents. Suhan Rajkumar and Jennifer Chong remind charities when and how …
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Energy reporting requirements and what they may mean for charities

As a result of the EU’s focus on reducing the effects of climate change, the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme and …
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Pioneers Post: Louise Harman & Sung-Hyui Park on 5 ways impact investors can deal with COVID-19

Louise Harman, partner and co-head of the impact economy team and Sung-Hyui Park, senior associate in our impact economy team …
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