Coronavirus: New approaches to procurement and contracting from the Cabinet Office

The government has issued two Procurement Policy Notes in quick succession as part of their response to the ramifications of …
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Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme

This webinar explored the latest updates to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme. View webinar
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COVID-19 and EU State Aid: The Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme

In this short article we look at the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme, and how this has been approved under …
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Directors’ duties for B Corporations: A Coronavirus Guide

During the coronavirus crisis, the directors of certified B Corporation (“B Corp”) companies will want to be sure they are …
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First GDPR fine from the ICO

So you might have missed it in the run up to Christmas but, on 20th December 2019, the ICO issued …
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Economic migration and salary thresholds: could an Australian-style points based system work in the UK?

The Migration Advisory Committee (“MAC”) has published its review of salary thresholds for economic migration and how an “Australian-style” Points …
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Trust Registration Service: update for charities

In June 2019 we responded to HM Treasury’s consultation on the transposition of the Fifth Money Laundering Directive and, in …
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ICO publishes new draft Code on Direct Marketing

The ICO has published a draft Code of Practice on Direct Marketing. The Code is out for consultation and will …
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Is there a legal strategy to tackle the biodiversity crisis?

With the rapid decline of biodiversity worldwide, Bates Wells is working with Michelle Meagher to consider how the law can …
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Data Privacy, International Data Transfers and Brexit: what next in 2020?

Throughout 2019 we did our best to keep up with Brexit (Would it happen? When would it happen? What form …
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The Times: Lindsay Draffan comments on the future of EU state aid rules post-Brexit

In the aftermath of the UK government’s decision to save stricken airline Flybe, Lindsay Draffan in our Corporate & Commercial …
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When to disapply subordinate legislation: Melanie Carter & Alistair Williams write for Law Society Gazette

In a blog for the Law Society Gazette, Melanie Carter and Alistair Williams examine the case of RR v Secretary …
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