LGBT+ services for individuals and families

Our lawyers live and breathe our values.

We’re passionate about overcoming hurdles within processes which need reform to enable our transgender clients to document their lives correctly. We advise modern families on surrogacy and inter-country adoption.

We support individuals affected by breach of the Equality Act, whether they are a beneficiary, service user, employee, member or volunteer.

How we help

We help LGBT+ individuals by: 

  • Bringing or defending Equality Act complaints and claims by beneficiaries, service users, employees, members, volunteers and other stakeholders
  • Providing support with reputation management in disputes of this nature, both for defendants and claimants
  • Providing legal representation in employment tribunal and court cases
  • Conducting investigations into conduct and complaints
  • Advising on the full range of visa and permit applications to be made by transnational couples, whether they are married, in civil partnerships, or unmarried
  • Assisting those who find themselves in difficulty having entered marriages or civil partnerships “of convenience”
  • Advising in the context of relationship breakdown, and domestic abuse
  • Advising on issues in relation to the documentation of gender identity on passports and permits
  • Providing advice in relation to refugee status and indefinite leave to remain applications. We work closely with firms that specialise in LGBT+ family law.
  • Navigating the immigration implications of international surrogacy, including for members of the LGBT+ community
  • Advising on the nationality of children born under surrogacy arrangements, and on all matters in relation to entitlement to British Citizenship
  • Providing expertise in relation to transnational adoption
  • Advising on breaches of the Equality Act relating to employment, membership, service provision and education
Your LGBT+ services contact
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