Yesterday, Labour MPs Justin Madders (Shadow Minister (Health and Social Care)) and Fleur Anderson (Shadow Minister (Cabinet Office)) each submitted written questions to the Cabinet Office relating to the Inquiry.
In response, Michael Ellis, the Paymaster General, confirmed (this was all already known, but does indicate the Government is still sticking to its proposed timetable and plans):
- The Inquiry will be established on a statutory basis, with formal powers.
- The Inquiry will begin its work in Spring 2022.
- Draft terms of reference will be published in due course, following consultation with Baroness Hallett, the Inquiry’s Chair, and ministers from the devolved administrations.
- Baroness Hallett will then lead a process of public consultation, including with bereaved families and other affected groups, before the terms of reference are finalised. The Government Legal Department has also confirmed this point.
We will, of course, continue to keep you updated as new information becomes available. In the meantime, please do contact us if you would like to discuss your organisation’s specific situation.