What does your charity need to know about the New Act? Our blog series untangles the key issues across a range of topics to pull out the points your charity should understand, action now and plan for.
Catch up with the latest blogs in the series – we’ve included the expected implementation dates, but you can see this page for a full summary of the implementation timetable.
Costs and Tribunal proceedings – Autumn 2022
We look at how the new Act is expected to reassure trustees when it comes to costs incurred at the Tribunal.
Failed charity appeals – Autumn 2022
Charities often make appeals to raise money for a particular project. If they raise too much money, how should the charity deal with the extra funds (surplus cases)? Or if they don’t raise enough and the equipment cannot be purchased, what should the charity do with these funds (called initial failure)? This blog looks at how the new Act handles the rules around this.
Changes and clarifications to the law around legacies – Spring 2022-sometime in March 2024
This blog takes a deep dive into the proposed changes to the law around legacies – including ex gratia payments, mergers and charity land.
Trustee Matters – Autumn 2022-sometime in March 2024
We explore how the Act will make life easier for trustees dealing with defective trustee appointments, seeking remuneration for providing goods to charity or payment for work already done where payment was not authorised, as well as reducing red tape for corporate trustees needing trust corporation status.
Key changes to the rules relating to charity land – June 2023
We look at two of the changes to the rules on disposals of charity land which could save charities time and money when disposing of property.
Permanent endowment and restricted funds – June 2023
Many charities, including incorporated charities, hold funds which are subject to restrictions in relation to how they may be spent. We explain the changes to the rules affecting a charity’s permanent endowment and other restricted funds.
Have you considered how the new Act will affect your charity’s social investment activities? Our blog outlines key changes, focusing on investing permanent endowment and the restrictions on dispositions of land.
We look at provisions in the Act which will extend the Charity Commission’s powers in relation to charity names and, in particular, in relation to working names, possibly increasing the risk of challenges and name disputes.
Amending a corporate charity’s constitution – sometime in March 2024
The Act will change the rules on amending governing documents for charities which are companies or Charitable Incorporated Organisations (CIOs). In this blog, we outline what these organisations will need to know.
If your organisation is an unincorporated charity (including charitable trusts and charitable unincorporated associations) here’s what you’ll need to know about changing your governing document under the new Act.