Considering a career in law?
We believe that everyone should have access to high quality information about us, the legal profession and law in general and we want to offer our remote sessions to anyone who is interested in learning a little bit more. The sessions are targeted at 16 – 18 year olds, but would also be useful for university students, recent graduates and potential career changers. They may also be helpful for younger students who are starting to think about their A levels and future career options. We hope you enjoy them and if you have any questions about our outreach offerings please email [email protected] and we will do our best to get back to you.
Welcome to Bates Wells
This video is a very quick snap shot into our firm, our work and our people. Please take a look to find out what makes us so special!
Paths into Law
In this video you will meet four individuals at our firm who are at different stages of their careers. They will talk about how they got into the legal profession and what they enjoy most about their work.
An Introduction to Charity Law
As you may have seen from our welcome video, one of our key areas of work is charity law. In this video, one of our solicitors in the team takes you through the basics of a charity’s legal needs and tells you a little bit more about what she gets up to on a day to day basis. The video includes a research task for you to try out at home so you can practice this key skill.
How to….debate
In this video, two of our team talk through why you should get involved in debating, what you should do and, more importantly, what you shouldn’t do. Again, we would recommend finding a friend to partner against so you can stop the video after each motion and have a go before continuing on.
How to…draft
When lawyers aren’t speaking they can often be found writing! In this video, members of our Employment and Real Estate teams talk you though what makes a good drafter whilst providing practical tips and tricks.