Our belief that we urgently need change in the sector, both from within and in using our experience to guide our clients is a fundamental part of everyone’s role in the firm.
Our impact report this year delves into the ways in which we continue to impact and influence businesses and charities to be better and bolder in their choices, and to address the challenges of social inclusion, climate heating and biodiversity loss.
This impact report covers the two financial years from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023 and 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024. We share it to encourage others to join us in our mission to use business as a force for good.
Read on below for our highlights, including our groundbreaking work for the Horniman Museum and Knepp Wildland Foundation and on the Equalising Deal Terms to help make power more equitable, along with our continued commitment to EDI and in making the profession more accessible.