We are pleased to share our 2021 Gender Pay Report, our annual analysis of our gender pay data and our plans to continue to reduce the gender pay gap.
We are focused on making a positive impact on our people and society. At Bates Wells we believe in creating a workplace that is fair, inclusive and allows our people to reach their full potential. The Gender Pay Report allows us to be transparent about our commitment to making a positive impact.
It covers;
- Our employee pay gap
- Employee pay quartiles
- Partner profit gap
- Our combined pay and profit gap
- Mean employee pay gap %
- Combined partner profit and pay gap %
- What we have done to address our pay gap and what we’re going to do over the next year
As a limited liability partnership, our members (the partners) are not employees and cannot be included in our statutory gender pay gap statistics. However, for transparency we have detailed both our partner profit gender gap and the gender earnings gap for the firm as a whole.

Martin Bunch, Managing Partner, Bates Wells said:
Our goal is to improve female representation across senior levels. Whilst we have made progress, we know we have more to do. Our list of priorities and objectives gives us the tools to continue with this journey and enable us to implement the steps to help bring about that change.
If you have any questions concerning the data we have published, please contact Heloïse Paull, Business Development & Marketing Director, on +44 (0)20 7551 7678 or [email protected].