I advise a wide range of charities, not-for-profits and individuals with philanthropic aims on charity law and commercial matters. These include the establishment of both charitable and non-charitable entities (such as trading subsidiaries), governance, compliance, commercial agreements, the structuring of initiatives and fundraising activities.
I regularly advise charities on internal governance procedures, and in particular schemes of delegation and key policies, such as conflicts of interest and financial controls. I also advise charities frequently about regulatory interaction, such as responding to queries or reporting serious incidents, and obtaining authority to undertake a particular action or make changes to a governing document.
I have assisted with the establishment of many complex and nuanced entities, such as US/UK dual qualified charities, religious organisations or those connected to a particular faith, multi-jurisdictional organisations and charities advancing education in new and cutting-edge ways. I have particular experience with supporting the establishment of charities founded by corporate entities, as well as those working to support NHS trusts and foundation trusts.
I have worked on multiple charity mergers and collaborations, as well as in supporting national charities operating with their local partners/branches, and/or in establishing endowment funds. I am regularly involved in providing commercial advice to organisations, including protecting a charity’s interests and the consequences of different structuring models from a tax perspective. I also regularly support charities in establishing joint venture vehicles with for-profit entities or other charities, often in relation to scientific or medial research.