Names and brands are a key asset for any charity. It is crucial that, as your charity grows and evolves, your brand protection doesn’t get left behind.
How we can help
Our team of in-house Chartered Trade Mark Attorneys specialise in understanding charities and the challenges they face, and our 360 BRAND REVIEW comprises a full audit of your name and brand position from a legal standpoint. It includes:
- A detailed UK (and international if required) search to establish what registered trade rights you already have (in the UK or, if necessary and if you ask us to, further afield) – a recurring theme for some of our clients is that important trade mark rights get ‘lost’ over time.
- A comprehensive comparison of your existing protection against your current brand usages (including your website and any other resources you direct us to, within reason). This would look not just at whether all your brands were registered as trade marks, but whether that cover was optimal or even adequate.
- A review of any other potential vulnerabilities, such as whether your manner of use of your marks placed them in danger of becoming generic.
- Advice on policing and enforcing your brand: how to monitor for potential infringements, what to say about your rights on web pages and other materials to dissuade others from imitating your brands, and what to do if someone treads on your toes.
To discuss your requirements please contact us.