This extended webinar pulls together expertise from Bates Wells’ charity, intellectual property, and dispute resolution teams.
We deal with different kinds of legal issues arising from your charity’s engagement with social media, including:
- How to ensure a successful social media campaign doesn’t fall foul of the law (including how to safely use others’ IP online)
- Protecting your brand and other IP in the social media sphere, including best practice in monitoring, and internet take down procedures
- The murky world of interacting with your supporters (and detractors) online.
If you have any questions or concerns about about how social media is affecting your charity, please get in touch us. We’ll be happy to help.
If you enjoyed this webinar, why not join one of our free employment training webinars:
Employment update webinar, 12 January 3pm
We provide practical commentary on case law and legislation developments and give you a host of ideas to help you add value to your role. This instalment will keep you up to date with January and December employment law updates which directly impact your organisation.
Relationships at work, 27 January 11am
Part of our ongoing free employment law training series.
Mediation: An Essential Guide for HR Professionals, 24 February 3pm
We’re offering a free training session, delivered by specialist employment lawyers and accredited civil and commercial mediators. This will give HR teams and managers a clear understanding of the advantages of mediation, how it works in practice, and how to upskill managers and business partners.