Developing an investment policy that is in your company’s, and the climate’s, best interests – our practical steps

We recently acted for the successful claimants in the High Court case of Butler-Sloss v Charity Commission. The ground-breaking judgment …
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Resilient real estate: what are the opportunities for your portfolio?

The impact of climate change has very real risks on real estate assets including: subsidence, flood risk, heat stress and …
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Purpose and law firms – a contradiction in terms or the future of the profession?

For Bates Wells, being a B Corp means that we always strive to do the right thing and help our …
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Harpur Trust v Brazel: what you need to know and what you need to do

The Supreme Court has delivered its judgment in the long-running case of Harpur Trust v Brazel. Paul Seath, Damian Ward …
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Government closes capital flexibilities “loophole”

The government has issued a new direction regarding the flexible use of capital receipts for transformation costs. The direction, and updated …
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B Corps: What should you be asking your banks?

We surveyed our B Corp network to understand their borrowing habits, and how important their bank’s ESG credentials are to …
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How to improve your job ads (and what not to do)

Getting job ads right is important; the job ad is likely the first impression a prospective candidate will get about …
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Watch again | Electoral and campaigning law: what you need to know | July 2022

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Setting up a charity

We have helped countless organisations to establish themselves as charities. There’s no ‘one size fits all’ approach to setting up …
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The Data Protection and Digital Information Bill and the government’s legislative programme – lowering privacy standards

The government’s vision of developing a “world-leading data policy” and “unleashing the power of data” may be undermined by its …
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What ESG lessons can businesses learn from impact investing firms?

Nirav Patel, our new Corporate Partner, shares some thoughts on how businesses can learn Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) best …
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UK Covid-19 Inquiry: New documents uploaded to the website

The Inquiry’s website was updated late last week with several new documents. Among these were the Chair’s opening statement, the …
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