What ESG lessons can businesses learn from impact investing firms?

Nirav Patel, our new Corporate Partner, shares some thoughts on how businesses can learn Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) best …
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UK Covid-19 Inquiry: New documents uploaded to the website

The Inquiry’s website was updated late last week with several new documents. Among these were the Chair’s opening statement, the …
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Volunteers – Top tips for creating a volunteer agreement  

Volunteers are a crucial resource for charities, and voluntary organisations often heavily rely on their volunteers to provide the assistance …
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Watch again | Employment and immigration law update webinar | July 2022

It’s just over one year since the post-Brexit grace period ended. In this webinar, our immigration team discussed common issues …
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Blog: Data Protection and Digital Information Bill introduced in Parliament

Our head of Data Privacy, Eleonor Duhs, considers the implication of a new Bill being introduced at this time, flouting …
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Employing shared staff

If you are thinking of collaborating by sharing employees with another organisation you need to understand the two options – …
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5 Top Tips on competition and collaboration

You want to collaborate with another organisation and create positive impact but are worried about falling foul of competition law? …
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Charities update: focus on governance

Read our charities update focusing on governance. The piece provides practical steps to achieving best practice in legal and structural …
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Bates Wells honoured as a Best for the World™ B Corp of 2022!

Bates Wells has been named a 2022 Best for the World™ B Corp, in recognition of its exceptional positive impact …
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Does your company have a sole director? If so, you might need to modify your Articles of Association

If your company has a sole director and has adopted an unmodified version of the Model Articles of Association for …
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Boris Johnson’s resignation and data protection reform:  a moment of challenge for UK data adequacy?

Our head of Data and Privacy, Eleonor Duhs, considers what Johnson’s resignation could mean for upcoming legislative changes. Following Boris …
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Bates Wells recognises challenges faced by transgender employees when seeking to evidence a right to work

Our immigration team are working to persuade UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) to close a gap in their guidance for …
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