Butler-Sloss v Charity Commission: understanding trustee investment duties and powers in the new landscape

In his judgment in Butler-Sloss & Ors v The Charity Commission for England and Wales & Anor [2022] EWHC 974 …
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Understanding the Purpose & Impact landscape: The Impact Economy Policy Mapping Initiative

In 2020, an initiative began to trial a new approach to understanding what policy activity is happening across the ‘Impact …
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Subsidy Control Act receives Royal Assent: key points to note

The Subsidy Control Act (the UK’s domestic equivalent of the EU state aid regime following Brexit) has received Royal Assent.  …
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Bates Wells acts in landmark High Court ruling allowing trustees to prioritise climate change mitigation over financial returns in investments

A landmark High Court ruling today has confirmed that trustees of charitable trusts are allowed to prioritise the climate change …
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Bates Wells attends Better Business Day in Westminster

The 20th April marked a year since the launch of the Better Business campaign, which calls for the introduction of …
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Bates Wells appoints new partner, Nirav Patel, to join corporate practice

We’re delighted to welcome Nirav Patel as a partner in our Corporate practice, where he will strengthen the firm’s M&A …
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Managing investigations: a guide for charities

Investigations and inquiries are a difficult fact of life for charities, social enterprises and other public interest organisations. What are …
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Mitigation, not litigation: let us help you avoid costly disputes

Our dispute resolution health check can identify and remedy potential issues that could cause you a problem in the future. …
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3 Key Changes to UK immigration law that employers need to know from April 2022

In the past month, we’ve seen some significant changes to UK immigration law, including changes to the Immigration Rules which …
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Covid-19 Inquiry: Organisations submit their responses

Following the closure of the public consultation on the Covid-19 Inquiry’s terms of reference, some organisations have made their responses …
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3 things you must do to ensure your organisation complies with Data Protection rules following relaxation of Covid-19 measures

During the past two years of the Covid pandemic, a lot of extra personal data would have been collected. While …
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Responding to a humanitarian crises – legal issues

Charities across the sector have been taking action to respond to the war in Ukraine and have been encountering some …
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