Spinouts & Mutuals

We’ll make your ‘spin out’ a lasting success.

Setting up a charity, social enterprise or mutual to run public services is never simply a ‘transaction.’ It’s the start of a meaningful journey that enriches communities.

We’ve advised on ‘spinning out’ from the public sector for years. We work with Government departments, including the Department of Health and the Cabinet Office. We’re part of the Mutual Ventures Consortium.

We also support more charities and social enterprises than any other firm in the UK – giving us a unique insight into both public bodies and charities.

How we help

Whether you work in a public body, charity or social enterprise, you can count on us to give you clear, straightforward advice, drawn from first-hand experience.

We help our clients to run children’s and adult services, leisure, libraries, theatres, museums and a host of other services. From the day you decide to spin out or restructure, to long after the deal’s done, we’ll be by your side, with any advice you need. Including:

  • Commissioning, procurement and state aid
  • Employment (including pensions and TUPE)
  • Establishing and registering the right legal entity
  • Ownership structures and capital investment
  • Transfer of assets and liabilities
  • Transfer of services – from libraries to recycling, council support services to nurseries, podiatry to HIV services
  • VAT and tax advice
  • Resolving all manner of disputes.
Meet our team
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