LGBT+ immigration

At Bates Wells we see it as vital to act as an LGBT+ ally, and we demonstrate this through our work by providing full-service, compassionate advice to the LGBT+ community.

Our approachable lawyers provide practical information to help you overcome hurdles in the UK immigration system.

We’re also passionate about identifying the parts of the UK’s immigration processes which need reform to enable our transgender clients to document their lives correctly.

How we help
  • We advise on the full range of visa and permit applications to be made by transnational couples, whether they are married, in civil partnerships, or unmarried
  • We advise on issues in relation to the documentation of gender identity on passports and permits
  • We advise in the context of relationship breakdown, and domestic abuse
  • We advise those who find themselves in difficulty having entered marriages or civil partnerships “of convenience”
  • We advise LGBT+ individuals in relation to refugee status, refugee family reunion and indefinite leave to remain applications
  • We liaise with trusted family and other lawyers as needed
Meet our team
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