Embedding EDI in your internal procedures

Many organisations are considering a review of their policies and procedures to ensure they are fully compliant with their key equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) objectives.

We understand that organisations need to put processes in place which are not just suitable for now, but are robust, forward-looking and dynamic enough to meet future needs in the face of an evolving set of legal requirements.

How we help

We review and draft equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) policies and procedures to help you to:

  • Incorporate EDI objectives into your recruitment, training, performance reviews and promotion procedures
  • Identify and mitigate EDI issues and risks throughout your organisation by putting the right policies in place
  • Futureproof your organisation by providing training to your board on Understanding your obligations under the Equality Act. We give an introduction to identifying protected characteristics and types of discrimination, and understanding what you can and can’t do.
  • Tackle data privacy issues connected to EDI surveys
  • Conduct full-scale audits and reviews on all aspects of EDI
  • If you’re a charity, we can provide training and support around trustee and other governance-related matters and best practice when embedding EDI.

It’s never too early or late to start thinking about your EDI strategy, or to consider conducting a review of your procedures. Contact us to find out more.

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