I am Head of Competition and part of the Corporate Commercial Department at Bates Wells. I specialise in UK competition law (and EU competition law where relevant to the post-Brexit landscape) and economic regulatory matters.
I have over 20 years’ experience as a competition lawyer, qualifying with international law firm, Simmons & Simmons. Prior to joining Bates Wells, I worked at leading competition practices such as the top-ranking group at Slaughter and May as well as for a Government sectoral regulator.
I advise on all aspects of UK competition law covering anti-competitive behaviour, market studies and market investigations, merger control and economic sectoral regulation. I also advise on the related areas of UK subsidy control (replacing the EU state aid regime) and public procurement as well as on retained EU regulatory law such as export controls. I assist clients across all sectors of the UK economy – both public and private, profit and not for profit. I particularly enjoy delivering competition compliance training ‘at the coal face’ to clients.
- Advising an accreditation body in sustainable metals on various competition law matters including on membership, chain of custody and standard setting
- Advising a leading charity in the creative arts on its compliance with the new UK Subsidy Control Act
- Advising a trade association and its members on compliance with a CMA Order in a fundamental service market
- Advising a leading sporting body on the implications of commercial data-sharing arrangements with other stakeholders
- Advising an incumbent provider of counselling services to vulnerable persons on public procurement compliance
- Advising a representative F&B body with solution-focussed competition advice to encourage adherence to voluntary, responsible codes of conduct
- Providing strategic competition and related IP law advice to a Not-for-Profit owner of an important, purposeful logo
- Advising a standard-setting body in renewable energy on the IP licensing and competition law
- Advising a lead provider of public leisure facilities on its procurement strategy in an increasingly competitive environment
- Advising charitable trusts with overriding environmental objects on the UK Subsidy Control Bill
- Advising arts and culture applicants for Government COVID-related funding on handling information requirements under the UK/EU subsidy control principles
- Advising a financial services’ body on objective initiatives to support its household-name members
- Advising a provider of renewable energy on competition law in relation to shareholder activism
- Advising a leading data science research institution on the EU/UK export control regime for dual-use goods as part of its risk assessment procedures
- Advising a world-renowned UK university on its multi-million pound application for ERDF funding to upgrade an existing scientific research facility
- Providing competition law compliance training to leading trade associations in the food, leisure and construction sectors