At Bates Wells we see it as vital to act as an LGBT+ ally. We demonstrate this by providing full-service advice to charities, organisations and individuals on LGBT+ issues, rights and inclusivity.   

When we secured charitable status for London Gay Switchboard in 1974, it was the first time that homosexuality had been recognised as a charitable class. We’ve seen it as essential to champion the LGBT+ community ever since, and continue to proudly act for many LGBT+ charities across the UK.

How we help

Whether you’re an individual needing support, or if your organisation wants to ensure that it acts as an ally, we can help.

We’re passionate about overcoming hurdles within processes which need reform to enable our transgender clients to document their lives correctly. We advise modern families on surrogacy and inter-country adoption. We support individuals affected by breach of the Equality Act, whether they are a beneficiary, service user, employee, member or volunteer.

We also help charities and organisations to engrain EDI principles and embed inclusivity at the core of what they do in order to create long term positive impact for the LGBT+ community.


Equalities update: consultation on updated NHS constitution reinforcing commitment to “single-sex” wards

The Department of Health and Social Care is currently consulting on proposed changes to the NHS Constitution (“the Constitution”) as …
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Bates Wells’ LGBT+ history month roundup 2024

This February, we joined in the UK’s celebration of LGBT+ history month. History month is an opportunity for us to …
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Department for Education guidance on “gender questioning children”: call for responses

The Department for Education (DfE) is inviting responses to its long awaited draft non-statutory guidance for schools and colleges in …
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UKVI refuses to commit to closing loophole for transgender individuals in right-to-work checks guidance

Employers are required to carry out right to work checks for any new employee or for an existing employee on …
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Bates Wells’ LGBT+ history month roundup

At Bates Wells we see it as vital to promote the work of our LGBT+ people as well as acting …
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