Procurement disputes

When you have been informed that your bid for a competitive tender has been unsuccessful, the sense of injustice can be profound – particularly if you don’t agree with the reasons given by the contracting authority. But knowing whether you have legitimate grounds to challenge the decision and how to go about doing so can be complicated. And the time limits for bringing a challenge are extremely short.

And if you’re a contracting authority, we can advise on how best to avoid being challenged and how to deal with any challenges that might arise.

Our specialist team can help you to understand the legal merits of your complaint and the commercial benefits and risks of seeking to challenge a decision. We can provide guidance and support on how best to proceed and give clear, practical advice on how to achieve the best outcome for your organisation.

How we can help

More specifically, we can help with:

  • Advice to bidders on whether it is worth mounting a challenge – both pre- and post-award
  • Liaising with contracting authorities on behalf of bidders seeking further information
  • Issuing proceedings and conducting litigation on behalf of bidders
  • Defending proceedings on behalf of contracting authorities
  • Advice to potential bidders in advance of any procurement
  • Advice to contracting authorities on compliance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 prior to and during a procurement exercise
  • Advice on the Cabinet Office’s procurement policy notes (PPN/01, PPN/02 and PPN/03)
  • Advice to bidders and contracting authorities on how to proceed during the coronavirus pandemic


Our team has years of experience managing matters robustly and effectively. We will help you navigate through the process – in plain terms and in a commercial and pragmatic way.

Please get in touch to find out more about how we can help you. We are pleased to offer an initial 30 minute call free of charge.

Meet our team
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