Public interest from both sides.
When we advise on the Freedom of Information Act, we try to see things from your perspective.
When we advise on the Freedom of Information Act, we try to see things from your perspective.
We help public authority clients holding information navigate the complex rules and the public interest balancing test – making sure there is appropriate transparency, without disclosing details that could be damaging.
We will also help clients looking for information, including campaigning charities and journalists, access details that could further their cause and hold public bodies to account.
We look at FOIA from both sides. We help public bodies (including local authorities, regulators and education providers) be transparent in a lawful way. We will help protect sensitive content that it would not be in the public interest to disclose.
When a FOIA request comes their way, we advise them on what they should, and should not, share under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000. That includes helping them understand exemptions that apply while complying with their transparency obligations.
On the flip side, when a campaigning charity, business or journalist wants to hold a public body to account, we guide them through the steps they should take to ask for information under FOIA or the Environmental Information Regulations.
Our work often overlaps with other legal issues, including public law, employment law, procurement, human rights and privacy. When that happens, will bring in our broader team to help identify any wider issues.