In the Summer issue of our Charity & Social Enterprise Update:
- We focus on how clients can respond to the critical challenges facing the sector due to the coronavirus pandemic and the lockdown, but with additional coverage of other key issues;
- The current crisis has hit charity income hard. In our fundraising focus Molly Waiting and Mairead O’Reilly review the likely impact of changes to the Direct Marketing Code on online charity fundraising;
- Hannah Lyons and Jess Neville outline changes to lottery income limits;
- Bill Lewis and Susan Shi look at the technical aspects of offering refunds for visitor attractions;
- Continuing the finance theme, in our finance focus Laura Soley and Lucy Rhodes cover releasing restricted and endowment funds and Bill Lewis and Susan Shi give an update on VAT on e-publications;
- Simon Steeden and Livia Cullens advise how to respond if you are facing financial difficulties;
- With changes to the way we work, Sophie Cass explores some of the key principles of good trustee decision-making;
- Our governance expert Tesse Akpeki discusses approaches to the new normal;
- Leona Roche and Oliver Hunt look at how to address the issues arising from virtual board and members’ meetings;
- Our client focus this edition is In Kind Direct;
- We give advice on agile working in a discussion between Amy O’Gorman and Sue Cleverdon;
- Chetal Patel and Lara Blanco Olarte consider immigration for charities post-COVID-19 and post-Brexit;
- Mindy Jhittay continues her series on transgender inclusion;
- Finally, our regulation focus includes a reminder from Suhan Rajkumar and Jennifer Chong of when and how to make a serious incident report;
- The Charity Commission’s Alan Bryce discusses the impact of cybercrime;
- There’s our regular roundups on Charity Secretarial from Cecile Gillard and the Charity Commission from Danielle Mawer and Jack Michaels.
If you would like to discuss any of the issues raised in this Update, please contact our Charity team.